

  GEARING UP FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Outlook of Digital Transformation in future To buy the book The big example of digital transformation that made way into over lives was with 5G welcome in the year of 2020. We all know what this means, right? Smartphones are getting faster. But the impact of this is wide ranging – this could accelerate progress for smart cities and manufacturing. Businesses can also expect faster and better connectivity owing to Wi-Fi 6 with the speed that is fast in processing things due to wireless connections. The trend for analytics will also gain momentum, with organizations everywhere making deep use of various analytics tools to understand problems, seek opportunities and solutions to gain a moat. “Ea ch tiny effort builds on the next, so t hat brick by brick, ma gnificent things c an be cr eat ed.” – Robin Sharma AI and Machine Learning will become business multipliers for data analytics, scale and comfort. Sometimes...


 CLASSIC CASE STUDIES In this chapter, we will look at some of the classic case studies about digital transformation, artificial intelligence, intuitive learning etc. , and how it helped so many companies walk on the path of innovation and helped them brace in case of uncertainties. How Is Amazon Improving Customer Experience Through Artificial Intelligence? Being an early adopter of AI and automation , Amazon consistently had an edge in utilizing AI to improve its business efficiencies. Amazon uses AI to build better customer experience and focus internally as well. From utilizing AI to foresee the number of users willing to purchase another item to running a clerk-less supermarket, Amazon’s AI capacities are intended to give customized solutions to its customers. As indicated by a report, Amazon’s recommendation engine is driving 35% of its overall sales. One of the principal territories where Amazon is applying AI consistently is to better know their client search inquiries an...


 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION FOR MICRO AND SMALL BUSINESSES For every country, micro and small businesses act as a backbone for its economic growth. Micro businesses have nine or fewer people and investment in plant and machinery is limited to about US $ 34,000 . Whereas that for small business can exceed US $ 34,000 up to US $ 6,83,000. These can be either manufacturing enterprises or service enterprises. This sector has emerged as an extremely vivid and dynamic contribution to the Indian economy. To buy the book As we all are aware, today’s world is ramped up with technology and the internet, owing to which customers' bar of expectations has gone higher than before. The presence of mobile phones have helped consumers to be always there, connected and be in control. Social media has created a digital influencer era , and voice has brought instant satisfaction and convenience. This shift has led to alterations of business rules for companies. Customer ex...